MianArslan's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by MianArslan — There are currently 17 entries total — keep up the great work!
SAM | Sarmad | |
ARY | Arslan Yaqub | |
CSF | Critical Success Factor | |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model | |
IRM | Information Resource Management | |
IE | Information Engineering | |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | |
ETL | Extract Transform Load | |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse | |
DWA | Data Warehouse Administrator | |
DSD | Document Structure Description | |
XVGA | Extended Video Graphics Array | |
FK | Foreign Key | |
EER | Extended Entity-Relationship | |
DBMS | DataBase Management System | |
B2C | Business-to-Customer | |
B2B | Business-to-Business |