Phuongkq's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by phuongkq — There are currently 19 entries total — keep up the great work!
OISD | Oil Industry Safety Directorate | |
GCC | Gas Compressor Compound | |
TGPL | Transcontinental Gas Pipeline | |
RFPR | Request For Proposal Requirements | |
DRS | District Regulatory Station | |
MRS | Metering And Regulator Station | |
ROU | Right of Use | |
GT | Gas Turbine | |
GOM | Government of Myanmar | |
MEPE | Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise | |
MOGE | Myanmar Oil & gas Enterprise | |
PCEPC | Petrochemical engineer of Phuong Company | |
PCEPC | Personal Computer for EPC | |
PM | Project Management | |
EPC | Engineering, procurement and construction. | |
E&C | Engineering and construction. | |
AFD | Approval For Design | |
AFC | Approved for Construction |