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The Acronym Quiz

Dare to take the ultimate acronyms and abbreviations challenge? Don't stay behind — Our Super Acronym Quiz (SAQ) will help you catch up on the latest jargon and geeky shorthands in an easy and fun way!

Sound:     Time: 00:00
Question 1/10
Score: 0 of 0

Choose the definition that best matches the acronym below:



Share your thoughts about our Acronym Quiz with the community:

  • vageshwari_g
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • hafsa_s
    fun with learning, I was not being able to stop myself
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • pjh.73632
    LikeReply 22 months ago
  • teezbeez
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • chloes.04063
    Very good quiz good fun
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • keilyana_w
    Ok thanks for letting me
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • teezbeez
    That was fun. I wasn't paying close enough attention to the spelling.
    LikeReply 15 months ago
  • SouthBuffaloQuad
    I aced one, finally!
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • jessicah.79648
    Feel like an A student again lol
    LikeReply 36 months ago
  • patrickb.51286
    I did Great for the first time under Pressure¿¡ Patrick Buford
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • pooitsaree
    i feel good
    LikeReply 16 months ago
  • Namyek
    Guess I am not too happy being honest !!
    LikeReply 17 months ago
  • RandomUserA-1
    I got one wrong (CV = Currculum Vitae). It appears to be a Layin reference to what I know as a résumé. But what did you expect? I'm an American and that's from a dead foreign language, and I did get FIFA correct.. Oh well, C'est la vie... 
    LikeReply 28 months ago
    • HLS
      Actually, Latin is not a "dead" language. Knowing latin can help you derive the meaning of many of today's latin-based words, as well as the scientific names of species. Its also used daily in Catholic liturgy, and papal decrees. A good deal of legal jargon is latin phrases. Even though it may not be the spoken language of any current country, it is still a viable part of our own language for other purposes. 
      LikeReply 67 months ago
    • Raider1
      Not only is Latin not a "dead" language, it's the official language of Vatican City. All the "romance" languages are derived from Latin - and if you're thinking about becoming a doctor, study Latin & Greek. Virtually all medical terminology is based on those two languages. 
      LikeReply 26 months ago
  • walterr.42992
    Didn't think that I knew that many acronyms.
    LikeReply 19 months ago
    • Ery_The_Good_Girl
      Me, too. Because I'm Vietnamese.
      I'm just studied English 7-8 month ago.
      LikeReply 18 months ago
    • zayd_k
      btw the correct way to say this would be - I studied for 7 to 8 months/
      LikeReply 17 months ago
    • Cs112163
      two different things, for how long & how long ago--I studied for 12 years 48 years ago
      LikeReply 17 months ago
  • Ery_The_Good_Girl
    First test: 6/10. Not Bad
    Final test: 9/10. Counraturations
    LikeReply 19 months ago
  • lauraf.21470
    I really, REALLY need new GLASSES!!
    LikeReply 19 months ago
  • chrisj.52722
    8/10. Not bad for an Englishman, I thought.
    LikeReply 111 months ago
  • ritkangnga_i
    WWJD = What Would Jesus Do.
    Good platform
    LikeReply 41 year ago
  • Achiever
    ILI.= I Love It,
    LikeReply 41 year ago
    • Raider1
      I'm curious - have you ever seen an acronym you didn't love, or have you ever posted anything other than "ILI.= I Love It,"?
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • Hi1234
      That’s deep.
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • Raider1
      Is your name "Achiever"? No? Then I wasn't talking to you - but since you want to weigh in, at least educate yourself. My question to the individual was based on having read approximately 30 of his/her comments, each & everyone exactly the same. 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
  • beavis_e
    I chose the acronym quiz for "Academic & Science. As if #7 wasn't pushing it already (Q: 4WD A: 4 Wheel Drive)

    check out #5 (Q: WDYWD? A:What do you wanna do?)

    Is that what they're teaching in the halls of academia these days? 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • 0030_a
    A.a ... I want to know more and more information about abbreviation crossword
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • milesfll
    i understand ABS for brakes, but i worked in plastics for a few years and
    acrylonitrile butadiene styrene came to mind first!
    LikeReply 61 year ago
  • dik_c
    BMP Best Management Practice
    LikeReply 41 year ago
  • Ubermaus
    The answer for BIOS is wrong. BIOS is not Basic Input-Output Services. It stands for Basic Input/Output System as named in the copyright in June 1975 by its creator, Gary A. Kildall.
    LikeReply 251 year ago
  • bones_e
    Perhaps this strategy would be better employed through the application with propinquitous minds, and not those of mere availability.
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • ashleyf.45268
    First try 10/10—time: 0:57
    LikeReply 41 year ago
  • Dtmpap
    SOS means "Save Our Ship" or even "Sh*t On a Shingle" and neither of those was a choice
    LikeReply 61 year ago
    • baldy
      I disagree. SOS means "save our souls"
      LikeReply 191 year ago
  • jamika_s
    30 seconds 10/10 easy.
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • Mershel
    Very easy answered rather quickly
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • ASA1222
    LikeReply 102 years ago
  • TopToolPro
    I guess a little knowledge does come with age. I thought this was pretty easy. I likely have used all but one of these over the years.
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • Itsmrnick
    Lucky me 10/10
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • roseg.40927
    Love it!
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • motherhahahahahaha
    you guys are very smart, however I am the 69th comment, which is obviously the best. :DD
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • badgirl_b
    10/10 in 1min 4sec. Damn thing probably would've been quicker if the internet connection wasn't so slow at resolving the next question box. Prolly could've gotten under a minute; maybe under 55sec. Possibly under 50 on a good quick run. Kinda tempted to run through again just to see if I can do it quicker...although knowing my luck the questions will all be for "acronyms" (and I put that term in "scare-quotes" because not all of the entries in this quiz are actual 'acronyms' - an acronym spells out a word, if not an actual dictionary defined 'word' then a largely 'phonetically pronounceable' utterance which follows on from first letter to last, including each letter in the overall enunciation) that I have no knowlege of. FML 
    LikeReply 82 years ago
    • Lash
      Ha ha!
      LikeReply 62 years ago
  • ashleyf.45268
    9/10 - in 1 min 13 sec.
    }}}—» Last 1 got me; pckd curriculum verif. instd. *tsk* Rly shld’ve knwn better. «—{{{
    LikeReply 62 years ago
  • vinny_r
    POC (Piece of cake)
    LikeReply 122 years ago
  • pan_s
    10/10 in 6 minute 36 seconds
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • divided_w
    10/10 in 1 minute 24 seconds
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • julissa_w
    10/10 in 1 min 11 sec
    Try doing this 5 or more times you will start to get challenging acronyms.
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • nour_h
    10/10 in 48sec
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • tonyj.09696
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • Mamacita
    8/10 in 4sec
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • nour_h
    10/10 in 0:46
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • DhaRah
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • Mershel
    9/10 in 1:07
    LikeReply 102 years ago
    • L0L
      I GOT 9/10 IN 01:11 SECONDS
      LikeReply 92 years ago
  • piggedpig
    10/10 in 25s
    LikeReply 82 years ago
    • tanyad.04555
      really? I cant get the questions to load that fast. Lucky you! Im hard pressed to get under a minute & thats not because of my speed, l wait for all but the 1st question
      LikeReply 72 years ago
  • bak_a
    It was very hard but insteresting
    LikeReply 92 years ago
  • UltimateWeaponfarter
    Very hard but interesting
    LikeReply 92 years ago
  • UltimateWeaponfarter
    10 in 1:23
    LikeReply 92 years ago
    10/10 IN 02:05 Gotta' really pay attention to the spellings on these - tricky!
    LikeReply 132 years ago
  • brent_t
    10 for 10 1:49
    LikeReply 92 years ago
  • Starboy100
    Very interesting
    LikeReply 102 years ago
  • barryb.80229
    Fell Asleep Reading Test FART
    LikeReply 92 years ago
  • davidb
    9/10 points in 1 minute and 44 seconds!
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • leo_p
    BRB is Be Right Back...this I know but it also stands for Bath Room Break, which wasn't on the list.
    LikeReply 72 years ago
    • thomd.58013
      but bathroom is one word so it’s not really a good one.
      LikeReply 72 years ago
  • charleskofi
    Very educative
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • Olaleye
    Is very interesting and motive
    LikeReply 82 years ago
  • dc23
    You people don't know the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation.
    LikeReply 142 years ago
  • Mohamed.fawzy
    Easy one
    LikeReply 42 years ago
  • terri_c
    A very fun and fascinating way to realize what you think you know and the difference of what is, threw time words , abbreviations and their meanings have changed ! I Thank You for sharing your quizzes with people like me so I can keep up to date with all kinds of knowledge, Great learning and teaching tool 
    LikeReply 92 years ago
    • Rovender
      Sorry, I have to correct your grammar:
      A very fun, fascinating way to realize what you think you know and the difference of what is. Through time, words, abbreviations, and their meanings have changed! I thank you for sharing your quizzes with people like me so I can keep up to date with all kinds of knowledge. Great learning and teaching tool! 
      LikeReply 62 years ago
    • Bombdiggityyo
      Rovender Sorry, I didn’t realize we were being graded on our grammar and punctuation in our comments. Do you just troll thru what everybody writes salivating for an error? A missed comma? Misplaced apostrophe? It wasn’t really necessary, was it? Unless you felt some kind of gleeful rush afterwards.
      See what I did there? I started out saying sorry also so that justifies it as okay and I’m smiling so I’m just being helpful and neighborly.
      Oh yeah, erm, great quiz guys!
      LikeReply 102 years ago
    • Rovender
      LikeReply 52 years ago
    • tanyad.04555
      Correct her grammar, well l thought l would be so kind to correct you in return, one " kind " deed earns another!
      You didn't just correct her grammar, you completely rewrote her entire comment which is beyond rude in my opinion.
      This is the comment section we each of us is given the opportunity to share our experience if we so choose, yet you instead chose to not only offer your opinion on someone elses opinion but to hijack their words & rewrite the entire script which resulted in it no longer being her comment!! Really quite bizarre & ott which is an abbreviation btw not an acronym.
      May l kindly suggest you take up a craft ,learn a new skill, a new language or perhaps get a pet, something that offers you joy & fulfillment but not at the expense of another?
      Just a caring constructive thought l was compelled to share with you to improve on your comment as that appears to be what you are in to.
      Oh & feel free to dissect my words until your heart is content as l wrote them to & for you, im giftng my entire comment just to you meaning its actually now technically yours.
      LikeReply 62 years ago
    • OrrinPants
      I can't believe you misspelled a 1-letter word twice?!!
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • mem.20713
      I can’t believe you took time out of your day to notice that!
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • Rovender
      I love how this just blew up with insults even though mine wasn't lel wat loozers
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • D'star
    I love it.But a question who gave KISS that.
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • butter_m
    That's so much fun, I love words!!
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • iman_s
    LikeReply 32 years ago
  • Saqlainengr10
    8/10 IN 30 SECONDS
    LikeReply 72 years ago
  • juls-k
    what do main to the question
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • Rovender
    11/10, poggers.
    LikeReply 62 years ago
    • NUKI
      I GOT 10/10 CORRECT WITH 00:25 SECONDS
      LikeReply 42 years ago
  • ateeq_u
    10/10 am genius
    LikeReply 62 years ago
  • Enrik
    “What is the rarest blood What is the rarest blood type?” Has nothing to do with Acronyms tmk. ( to my knowledge)
    LikeReply 42 years ago
  • DickLicker
    9/10 considering it’s American abbreviations (mainly) and my first language is Irish Gaelic I don’t think I did badly
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • OldDude
    PT means both physical therapy and physical training (military)
    LikeReply 62 years ago
    • dc23
      Also "Patrol Torpedo", as in boat.
      LikeReply 42 years ago
    • tanyad.04555
      and PT also is an abbreviation of Personal trainer
      LikeReply 32 years ago
  • Lesbo86
    10/10. Btw, I'm a genius
    LikeReply 102 years ago
  • Alison#justaTNgirl
    TO WEBMASTER: the "SOL" question needs to be REMOVED, or at the very least changed to "all of the following definitions match the acronym below EXCEPT", because at least three of the answers are TRUE [and listed as an acronym on your site]. Possibly "Anonymous" listed "Statute of Limitations" as the "correct" answer because s/he works in the legal field and is most familiar with that definition. People who work in fields [various govt & non-profit agencies, financial, public health, education, sociology, psychology, etc] that deal with socioeconomic status in general and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in particular are probably more likely to define SOL as "Standard of Living". Since this is an online quiz, one can reasonably infer that most people taking the quiz are familiar with the computer/texting definition meaning "Sh*t out of luck". BOTTOM LINE, it has multiple correct answers and is a BAD question. 
    LikeReply 132 years ago
    • acronimous
      Thanks for the feedback -- you're absolutely right! We've just changed the "wrong" answers to be completely wrong this time... :-)
      LikeReply 112 years ago
    • ashleyf.45268
      idk… I got it right immediately, and I don’t work in the legal field. I know there were others that made sense, & a few being socially appropriate/correct answers. However, I also knew ‘statute of limitations’ was a more ‘legitimate’ answer—for lack of a better word (kinda ironic, I know. Lol). As opposed to some maybe more widely known/well-used slang words/terms that’ve been shortened, mashed together, compressed, etc. largely for conveniences sake.
      Idk, maybe that’s just me; but after I saw that option, I never even considered choosing a different one. It was simply the correct answer from the moment I saw it was an option. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Payden1
    8 out of 10
    LikeReply 102 years ago
  • bb.70366
    yep 10/10
    LikeReply 132 years ago
  • josie_e
    LikeReply 122 years ago
  • joshf.48986
    I got 8 over 10
    LikeReply 112 years ago
  • jonathanc.64772
    YASS i got 10/10
    LikeReply 92 years ago
  • cd_g
    Yass, 10/10‼️
    LikeReply 122 years ago
  • soco108_c
    FWIW I got 9/10.
    LikeReply 163 years ago
  • saraa.56691
    LikeReply 143 years ago
  • Haole_girl
    10/10! However, I was taught, and always believed that USSR was the abbreviation for United Soviet Socialist Republic. I’m 47 years old, so I was around when the USSR was still the USSR. I remember when we, (USA) and 65 other countries, boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December of ‘79. Then, in the summer of 1984, the USSR responded in kind by boycotting The Olympics in Los Angeles. 
    LikeReply 313 years ago
  • Arctos
    This is my favorite quiz.
    LikeReply 253 years ago
  • Minderella
    8/10 not bad I guess!
    LikeReply 273 years ago
  • weiyang_l20110729
    It’s a bit hard
    LikeReply 203 years ago
  • av.95808
    Very much interesting
    LikeReply 213 years ago
  • angela.47744
    PTSD does not stand for:Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
    It means:
    LikeReply 393 years ago
    • DrMonkeyHunt89
      hahaha ur right did it say that it meant that “ pTSD stands for post traumatic stress syndrome instead of disorder!!???! Cause omg if it did!
      And come on now your gonna tell me that FIMH does stand for “Forever in my heart” instead of “First International Monkey  
      LikeReply 42 years ago
  • mo_r
    LikeReply 233 years ago
  • ezekiel
    i like it
    LikeReply 193 years ago
  • Kawoye
    First time to have this quiz and it's amazing
    LikeReply 193 years ago
    oof its so nice
    i like it
    LikeReply 243 years ago
  • rudra_d
    I'm kinda good at this! I like this quiz. Probably my favorite!
    LikeReply 243 years ago
  • clarkb86
    Either these quizzes are relatively easy, or else I'm a bit of an acronym-definition savant, lol
    LikeReply 273 years ago
  • Peteremefe
    Interesting, I'm improving
    LikeReply 243 years ago
  • Peteremefe
    Great platform
    LikeReply 223 years ago
  • Smartless
    An Array of painful answers
    LikeReply 253 years ago
  • JessicaLove
    Got 6 right out of 10. That's really bad...
    LikeReply 203 years ago
  • Abbr3v1a73
    Hmmm guess I did ok
    LikeReply 173 years ago
  • Magdalena71
    Fed up :)
    LikeReply 153 years ago
  • Manjunath
    LikeReply 243 years ago
  • Chinecherem
    Very interesting
    LikeReply 233 years ago

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