Senthilraj_s's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by senthilraj_s — There are currently 17 entries total — keep up the great work!
ATM | Act Think Move | |
OTP | Oneness Trust Passion | |
UIN | Unique Interface Network | |
SSS | Self-Sustainable Solution | |
ATP | Advance Training Project | |
LPG | Liver Pancreas Galbladder | |
KASH | Knowledge Attitude Skill Habit | |
PAD | Probe Answer Detail | |
GOD | Go On Doing | |
ADHD | Add Determination Hide Distraction | |
TVTILL10PMAH | Threonine Valine Tryptophan Isoleucine Lucine Phenylalanine Methionine Arginine Histidine | |
IPOD | Inform Probe Observe Detail | |
IPAD | Inform Probe Analyse and Detail | |
TEA | Thought Emphasized Action | |
TEA | Thought Emotions Actions | |
SMILE | Self Motivation with Interest Leading to Energy | |
SMILE | Self Motivation with Involvement Leading to Enthusiasm |