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German Abbreviations

Browse 2,496 acronyms and abbreviations related to the German terminology and jargon.

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!WZTWas Zum Teufel (German: What the Devil!)Rate it:
#:-OShocked while wearing a fur hatRate it:
0.nullteRate it:
1.ersteRate it:
10.zehnteRate it:
11.elfteRate it:
12.zwölfteRate it:
13.dreizehnteRate it:
2.zweiteRate it:
20.zwanzigsteRate it:
3.dritteRate it:
4.vierteRate it:
5.fünfteRate it:
6.sechsteRate it:
7.siebteRate it:
8.achteRate it:
9.neunteRate it:
a. actaRate it:
a.a.O.ibid.Rate it:
AAAmtliche AbkürzungRate it:
AAAWAllgemeiner Aufsperr und Absicherungsdienst WeningerRate it:
AAFHAus Asia Finance HubRate it:
AAMAmtsAnMassungRate it:
AATGAmerican Association of Teachers of GermanRate it:
ABAnrufBeantworterRate it:

Discuss these German abbreviations with the community:

  • soulawondering
    What does "fll." mean when used as part of a citation in an old German book?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • @Mitzi56
    can anyone tell me what it means on a German sewing pattern when it says allow 1 1/2 d
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • Mark Maier
    Mark Maier
    What does "Ev." mean as a middle name? My great, great grandfather from Boll/Hohenzollern in 1875 was named Johann Ev. Maier.
    LikeReply 24 years ago
  • Nile Smith
    Nile Smith
    On an old death record, after the namek of the deceased is an abbreviateion Hub. or Hus. I can't find what that stands for in any books I have.
    LikeReply 16 years ago
  • Ahmad Sadeghi
    Ahmad Sadeghi
    What does German abbreviation stand for CISNU
    LikeReply 27 years ago
    • STANDS4
      Maybe " Sie erläuterte die Rolle der Konföderation Iranischer Studenten"?
      LikeReply 26 years ago
  • Deborah Wymann
    Deborah Wymann
    I have just recently married a swismall man who has kids with his ex so they have to have contact but I have noticed in his and her texts to each other they always have LG and the the first letter of their name. What is that??? 
    LikeReply 27 years ago
    • Christopher Barrett
      Christopher Barrett
      "Liebe Gruße" - A very common German sign-off best translated as "Best Regards" it's formal, but friendly, most commonly used by colleagues in an office.
      LikeReply 57 years ago
  • Joe Cassar
    Joe Cassar
    ""Spitzname fuer einen Deutschen, v.a. einen deutschen Soldaten......."

    What does "v.a" mean? I've looked it up on many sites, but got nothing.
    LikeReply 37 years ago
    • Arthur LaPella
      Arthur LaPella
      "vor allem" (above all, especially)
      LikeReply 47 years ago
    • Joe Cassar
      Joe Cassar
      V.A., vielen Dank.
      LikeReply 47 years ago
  • Anna Fenyvesi
    Anna Fenyvesi
    How common is the abbreviation "Bln." for "Berlin" in German?
    Also, is "Bla." used as an abbreviation, possibly for a place name?
    Many thanks!
    LikeReply 28 years ago

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"German." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 8 Feb. 2025. <>.

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A Complaint Of Patient Data
B Clear Of Patient Diagnosis
C Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
D Chronic Osteomyelitis Pathology Degree