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Surgical Abbreviations

Browse 1,245 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Surgical terminology and jargon.

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A&RAlert and ResponsiveRate it:
A&OAlert And OrientedRate it:
AAAffected AreaRate it:
AAAAPSFAmerican Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Plastic Surgery FacilitiesRate it:
AAAASFAmerican Association for Accreditations of Ambulatory Surgery FacilitiesRate it:
AAAASFIAmerican Association for Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgery Facilities InternationalRate it:
AACPSAssociation of Academic Chairmen of Plastic SurgeryRate it:
AACSAmerican Academy of Cosmetic SurgeonsRate it:
AAESAmerican Association of Endocrine SurgeonsRate it:
AANSAmerican Association of Neurological SurgeonsRate it:
AAOMSAmerican Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsRate it:
AAOSAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsRate it:
AAOSAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeryRate it:
AAOSAmerican Association of Orthopedic SurgeonsRate it:
AAPSArchives of Aesthetic Plastic SurgeryRate it:
AAPSAssociation of American Physicians and SurgeonsRate it:
AAPSFAccreditation Association for Podiatric Surgical FacilitiesRate it:
AASAssociation for Academic SurgeryRate it:
AASCAdvanced Ambulatory Surgery CenterRate it:
AASFAssociation for Academic Surgery FoundationRate it:
AASPMAssociation for Academic Surgery and Perioperative MedicineRate it:
AASTAmerican Association for the Surgery of TraumaRate it:
ABCSAmerican Board of Cosmetic SurgeryRate it:
ABHRSAmerican Board of Hair Restoration SurgeryRate it:
ABHRSAmerican Board Hair Restoration SurgeryRate it:

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1 Comment
  • Tariq Wahab Khanzada
    Tariq Wahab Khanzada
    great work but some are still confusing like CSF... its commonly used for cereberospinal fluid
    LikeReply 18 years ago

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"Surgical." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 11 Feb. 2025. <>.

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A Light Emitting Door
B Light Emitting Discovery
C Light Emitting Diode
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