Rinat's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by rinat — There are currently 32,581 entries total — keep up the great work!
DIEM | Developing Intermediate Education Material | |
SINE | Singular Interspersed Nuclear Elements | |
SINE | Singular Interspersed Nuclear Elements | |
WIS | Work In Sorrow | |
MYOD | Make Your Own Dinner | |
WAWD | What A Wonderful Day | |
SAW | Suggestions Are Welcome | |
PLNP | Please Look Next Page | |
DBB | Don't be bothered | |
FNR | For No Reason | |
UYOK | Use Your Own Knowledge | |
YMHFI | You May Have Found It | |
TDRHM | This Didn't Really Help Me | |
LOSW | Lots Of Swear Words | |
MNL | Magnetic Neon Letters | |
NBTHS | Nothing But The Holy Spirit | |
YGYC | You're Going To Choke | |
LLF | Low Libido Female | |
LLRC | Larchville Lisduggan Residents | |
LOMD | Light Of My Day | |
WODL | Wait On Day Light | |
HBFV | HandBall Foyen Velinois | |
NARBS | National Association of Real-Beard Santas | |
DSSA | Disability Studies Student Association | |
DSSA | Disability Studies Student Association |