Tancial's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by Tancial — There are currently 140,108 entries total — keep up the great work!
8PSH | Eight Phase Shift Keying | |
6NF | Sixth Normal Form | |
6DOF | Six Degree of Freedom | |
5XBCOER | Five X-Bar Central Office Equipment Reports | |
5NF | Fifth Normal Form | |
5GL | Fifth Generation Language | |
5DOF | Five Degrees of Freedom | |
5BM | Five Button Mouse | |
4PSK | Quadrature Phase Shift Keying | |
4NF | Fourth Normal Form | |
4MD | Four Channel Multiplexer Demultiplexer | |
4GW | Fourth Generation Warfare | |
4GT | Four Gigabyte Ram Tuning | |
4GL | Fourth Generation Language | |
4DOF | Four Degrees of Freedom | |
4CC | Four Character Codes | |
4BM | Four Button Mouse | |
3WC | Three Way Calling | |
3SIB | Three State Image Button | |
3PV | Third Party Verification | |
3PTY | Three Party Service | |
3PT | Third Party Transfer | |
3PS | Third Party Supplier | |
3PS | Third Party Service | |
3PS | Third Party Support |