David_wei's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by david_wei — There are currently 122 entries total — keep up the great work!
RPAS | Remotely Piloted Aircraft System | |
GAIR | Global AI and Robotics Summit | |
GAIR | Global AI and Robotics Summit | |
LAANC | Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability | |
C-UAS | Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System | |
ASA | Aviation Supplies Association | |
AVIC | Aviation Industry Corporation of China | |
AVIC | Aviation Industry Corporation of China | |
LETRI | Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute of AVIC | |
LETRI | Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute of AVIC | |
LETRI | Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute of AVIC | |
LETRI | Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute of AVIC | |
LETRI | Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute of AVIC | |
NLC | Network Legacy Carrier | |
AGP | Aerospace Growth Partnership | |
SFM | Strategic Fit Meeting | |
USMCA | U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement | |
TCL | Tool Command Language | |
IPA | Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness | |
UTMISS | Unmanned Traffic Management Information Services System | |
CETE | China Electronic Technology (Group) Corporation | |
CETE | China Electronic Technology (Group) Corporation | |
IFALPA | International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association | |
IFALPA | International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association | |
HKALPA | Hong Kong Airline Pilot Association |