Paul8539's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by paul8539 — There are currently 100,180 entries total — keep up the great work!
FYUH | For your .... | |
FRINA | Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects | |
JUWT | Judson University Women's Tennis | |
MYSS | MY Social Security | |
QNDC | Quality Nursing & Disability Care | |
UDOU | You DO You | |
BB-2 | U.S.S. Indiana | |
AEAG | Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne | |
AEAG | Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia | |
AEAG | Air Expeditionary Advisory Group | |
AEAG | American Economic Association Grant | |
HALM | Healthcare Administration, Leadership, and Management | |
PSMR | Power Systems Market Research | |
ANNO | Alliance of Non-profit News Outlets | |
ANNO | Alliance of Non-profit News Outlets | |
BAWG | Business Architecture Working Group | |
DECA | Delta Epsilon Chi Association | |
BITWA | BITWArden | |
DURF | Documento Unico di Regolarità Fiscale | |
FROGO | FROzen Foods to GO | |
DCSY | Dental Cartridge SYringe | |
EOAO | Essential Oil of Althaea Officinalis | |
NSPCU | Northern States Power Credit Union | |
RHFM | RadHalo Fixed Monitor | |
MAD | Marxist-Atheist Democrat |