Snazzycactus's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by snazzycactus — There are currently 878 entries total — keep up the great work!
FTTT | From Time To Time | |
GIJGU | Guess I’ll Just Give Up | |
ACFC | A Castle For Cats | |
TDS | To Do Something | |
GMTM | Give Me The Motivation | |
GFG | Good For Goodness | |
HW | Hope World | |
TTT | Time Takes Time | |
YBTC | You Brighten The Corners | |
IBS | I’m Being Serious | |
SOT | Shop Online Today | |
DGYHU | Don’t Get Your Hopes Up | |
YOM | You Overestimated Me | |
YUM | You Underestimated Me | |
CC | Call Center | |
SMLB | Save Money, Live Better | |
LYP | Lower Your Prices | |
LMW | Let Me Win | |
IWTW | I Want To Win | |
WITW | Why In The World | |
HUO | Help Us Out | |
SCSE | Spring Cleaning Sales Event | |
TBOY | The Best Of You | |
TBOM | The Best Of Me | |
BIF | Before I Fall |